When the monetization of each video you upload to your channel, and especially when the bulk upload videos, even if they do not have any type of content that can be used in demand, or using copyrighted material, you might find yourself getting the dreaded message Your linked e-mail account, "you need more information to consider your request video monetization" and "Your video has been disabled from revenue sharing", the first one has a chance to get re-enabled, the latter does not.
If you are in partnership with the network, this problem will occur, but you avoid the problem of getting your Adsense account banned.
Below we analyze the messages and what to do in order to start making money your uploaded video again.
YouTube Email alerts
This notification you receive an email each time a video is disabled for monetization or require additional evidence and use.
More detailed information is necessary to consider a request video monetization
Dear "user"
Thank you for submitting your video "Video Title" (http://www.youtube.com/url) for monetization. We do not approve of this video for monetization because the content in the video and / or metadata can not be advertiser-friendly.
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to monetize a video, and we can disable the opportunity for partners that are often inappropriate.
As next steps, please read our Terms before turning on another video for monetization.
Thank U,
The YouTube Team
If metadata (probably tags, description, and title) and the content atcually considered extremely unlikely person, if you have an extremely popular channel, that is. They, of course, random videos when you reject them for monetization especially when it comes to mass video upload and when the length of video is too short. Also, pay attention to the phrase "partners who are often inappropriate."
More detailed information is necessary to consider a request video monetization
Dear "user"
At this time, we can not approve your video (s), because we do not have enough information about your commercial use rights.
We can review your video (s) for later viewing, provided that you make sure that you have the right to commercially use all elements of your content. This includes all video, images, music, video game footage, as well as any other audio and visual elements. Learn more
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to monetize a video, and we can disable the opportunity for partners that are often inappropriate. All videos in accordance with our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, and can be removed from the site if they do not meet these standards.
Please send your additional information below:
"Video URL requires evidence to monetize"
Remember that different factors, such as video performance can affect browsing. We may not be able to handle every idea, but we are constantly monitoring these factors and priorities accordingly.
As you can guess, the more relevant your channel becomes YouTube, a high probability of actually getting your video reviewed and approved, most of the time just does not happen.
How to get your video YouTube Re-Enabled to monetize
If you see! warning instead of $ white icon that says "Do not bring money. Click here to provide proof of commercial use rights." Then move on to the next steps to get video reviewed.
Click on! icon or press the corresponding video editing.
Click on the "monetization Tab" one time on the editing screen.
Click on the "I can provide proof of the rights of commercial use."
Now, from the drop down menu, choose the option that fits your video best:
My video contains only my original Content
I have an online license for all or some of my content
I written permission to use some or all of my content
Finally, the most important step in this process is to provide data to get your video enabled for monetization. This includes software that is used to record video equipment, b soundtracks (which, of course, should always be Royalty-Free and is not copyrighted, if you aspire to make money from it). Below you can find the data proposed, according to YouTube, which should be included in order to be able to finally get your video re-enabled for ads.
Explain in the text box below, as you have to use the commercial rights to your content. You can use the information offered as a starting point. However, it is up to you to provide all the necessary details. Please note that YouTube may need to contact you for more information
Your song / music
Composer / publisher
Your music label (if any)
Link to the software license terms (if any)
Track title
Artist tracks
Direct URL of the track
Video game or program name
Link to online licensing conditions
The main source of determining the status of the public domain
Click the Save Changes button.
Once you return to the manager of the video, you will see that the status reads "pending review" with a gray icon instead of the $! Warning. Now we need to wait for maybe a day or maybe months, until you get lucky and that receives video review. Again, the more relevant your feed, most likely, your video will get preferential treatment when it comes to requests for monetization.
When a video gets "Denied for monetization," there is no option to get it looked at, simply because there is no monetization tab. You can consider the adoption of this video and re-edit it to get rid of all the things that could be the reason to deviate, if any.
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